Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, February 8, 1991                   TAG: 9102080125
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B4   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: CHAPEL HILL, N.C.                                LENGTH: Medium


North Carolina traded the gun for the run and came away with a 92-70 ACC basketball victory in its second game in as many days against North Carolina State.

The ninth-ranked Tar Heels lost 97-91 to the Wolfpack on Wednesday night despite a school-record 14 3-pointers. They bounced back Thursday night, winning by turning down the jumpers and turning up the pressure.

"Both teams had to be tired," North Carolina guard King Rice said. "We tried not to let Chris [Corchiani] walk the ball up the floor. The thing we tried to do was to deny all passes."

The Tar Heels (16-4 overall, 5-3 in the ACC) led by six at halftime and widened the margin steadily in the second half, shutting the door when two N.C. State starters fouled out.

The Wolfpack (12-7, 5-4) lacked the shooting touch that helped in Wednesday night's victory, hitting only eight of 29 shots from 3-point range and 37 percent overall.

"In order to beat them two games in a row, you have to play extremely well, and we didn't play that well tonight," Corchiani said. "The ACC is like a roller coaster. You're high one day and low the next."

Corchiani said the back-to-back games, scheduled after an earlier game was postponed because of the start of the Persian Gulf War, may have hurt the shooters.

"They say the first thing that goes when you're tired is your shot," he said.

North Carolina used its bench better this time, with six players in double figures and 12 scoring. Rick Fox scored 16 and had a career-high eight assists to lead the Tar Heels. George Lynch added 13 points, and Pete Chilcutt and Henrik Rodl each had 12. Rice and Hubert Davis scored 10 apiece.

Rodney Monroe led the Wolfpack with 20 points before fouling out with 5:09 to go - far below his 37 on Wednesday night. Migjen Bakalli and Corchiani scored 13 each as the only other N.C. State players in double figures.

 by CNB