Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, February 8, 1991                   TAG: 9102080266
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Staff report
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Thirteen matches, including six championship bouts, highlighted the first of three nights of action in the 1991 Virginia State Amateur Boxing Championships held at Valley Sports Arena on Thursday.

The competition features more than 100 participants in three divisions - Open, Novice and Junior Olympic.

On Thursday night, Gary Winnon of Roanoke won his super-heavyweight Open championship bout when his opponent, Richard Larkin, was disqualified in Round 1 for an illegal hit.

Thursday night's results:


Pee Wee (age 8-9) semifinals - Andre Morning (JABBO Boxing Club) def. Josh Harris (Stafford Boxing Club), referee stopped contest in second round.

Pee Wee semifinals - Wilbur Wallace (JABBO Boxing Club), dec. Foyte Rowe (Stafford Boxing Club).

Junior (10-11) championship - Jason Casey (Buchanan Boxing Club) def. Josh Chittum (Stafford Boxing Club), referee stopped contest in first round.

Junior championship - Steve Matney (Buchanan Boxing Club), dec. Shannon Ellison (Stafford Boxing Club).

Junior championship - Eugene Seldon, (JABBO Boxing Club) dec. Robert Moore (Jay's Gym).

Intermediate (12-13) championship - Anthony Looney (Buchanan Boxing Club) dec. Melvin Lloyd (JABBO Boxing Club).

Intermediate championship - Richard Freeman (JABBO Boxing Club) dec. Marlon Brown (JABBO Boxing Club). NOVICE DIVISION

Quarterfinals - Kermit Gary (JABBO Boxing Club) dec. Jon Joseph (Stafford Boxing Club). OPEN DIVISION

Championship - Gary Winnon (Virginia Tech Boxing Club) def. Richard Larkin (Stafford Boxing Club), first round disqualification.

 by CNB