Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, February 9, 1991                   TAG: 9102090443
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Boxing continued Friday night at the Valley Sports Arena with semifinal and championship action of the 1991 Virginia State Amateur Boxing Championships.

Roanoke boxers Joe Farrell and Steve Pannell will compete in championship bouts tonight. Farrell won his 156-pound Novice Division fight Friday night when the referee stopped action in the first round.

Pannell enters the final round in the 178-pound Open Division and will compete in one of numerous championship matches tonight, starting at 7:30.

Friday night's results: JUNIOR OLYMPIC DIVISION

55-pound Pee Wee (age 8-9) championship - Wilbur Wallace (JABBO Boxing Club) dec. Andre Morning (JABBO Boxing Club).

119-pound Intermediate (12-13) championship - Todd Foster (Stafford Boxing Club) def. John Kennedy (Jay's Gym), referee stopped contest in third round.

132-pound Intermediate championship - Chris Thomas (West Side Boxing Club) def. Rawdy Smith (JABBO Boxing Club), referee stopped contest in first round.

119-pound Senior (14-15) semifinals - Chris DeLeon (Jay's Gym) def. Willie Stanley (Jay's Gym), walkover.

119-pound Senior semifinals - Lorenzo Harris (JABBO Boxing Club) dec. Tim Langras (Stafford Boxing Club). NOVICE DIVISION Semifinals

156 pounds - Willie Daniels (Virginia Beach Boxing Club) def. Kermit Gray (JABBO Boxing Club), walkover.

156 pounds - Joe Farrell (Virginia Tech Boxing Club) def. Greg Yellis (Walters Boxing Club), referee stopped contest in first round.

165 pounds - James Haywood (Gloucester County Boxing Club) def. Fred Craddock (East Side Boxing Club), referee stopped fight in second round.

165 pounds - Tim Mitchell (Stafford Boxing Club) dec. Robert Gray (JABBO Boxing Club). OPEN DIVISION Semifinal

178-pounds - Tim Bailey (East Side Boxing Club) dec. Abu-Alim (East Side Boxing Club). - Staff report

 by CNB