Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 13, 1991                   TAG: 9102130312
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: CHRISTIANSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


Notice to future Northside basketball opponents:

Wars of attrition with the Vikings are a losing proposition. Northside will hammer and grind and wear you down. Ultimately, the Vikings will wear you out.

And there you'll be, wondering why you're seeing double and your legs feel like overcooked pasta.

Which was pretty much the condition the valiant bunch from Christiansburg found itself in after losing 64-62 to the green-and-gold clad invaders from the Blue Ridge District on Tuesday night.

The New River District's Blue Demons couldn't have played much better, but it just wasn't good enough to derail the state's No. 2-ranked Group AA team. That after being deep-fried 73-48 by the same bunch earlier this season.

"Northside played pretty durned good," Christiansburg coach Gerald Thompson said. "They didn't just come in here, lie down and watch us play. But we thought we played pretty good, too."

Unfortunate Christiansburg shot an incendiary 61.5 percent and committed a miniscule four turnovers in the first half. Still, it led only 38-35.

"I can't remember a team that shot that well from the outside against our defense," Northside coach Billy Pope said. "Our defense was right on them, too."

"Man, they couldn't miss," Northside guard Chad Briscoe said. "But Coach told us that, eventually, we could wear them down and their legs would go on them."

The Demons kept the explosive Vikings reasonably under control right after intermission - when the Vikings are often at their most lethal - and continued to shoot well. But by the start of the fourth quarter, Northside and its relentless defensive pressure had forced a 53-53 deadlock.

By that time, Christiansburg was exhausted mentally as much as physically. The Demons required 3:50 to score their first field goal of the fourth quarter and fell five points back.

John Porter, their most proficient offensive player, completed a three-point play, but that was the last time he saw the ball in a 17-point evening.

"I was trying to stay on him and keep a hand in his face," said Curtis Ballard, Northside's most tenacious defender.

John Baker slipped through the lane for a soft layup to put Northside up 60-56 with 3:27 before Eddie Bentley answered with his second 3-pointer of the night 16 seconds later.

But the Demons could not catch up. Ron Glass and Briscoe scored Northside baskets around a Mike Smith free throw for Christiansburg. Glass was fouled with 25 seconds left but missed the one-and-one. However, Christiansburg's last chance fizzled when Smith walked with eight seconds left.

Baker, who would finish with 22 points, drew a foul with two seconds left. When he missed the first shot of the bonus free throw, Cristiansburg didn't have time to control the basketball and call time out.

Northside (16-1) won its ninth straight game. Christiansburg (9-8) has lost five games by an average of 2 1/2 points, three of those in overtime and two on last-second shots.


Bailey 0 1-2 1, Glass 4 0-1 8, Hill 0 2-2 2, Briscoe 6 0-0 13, Baker 9 2-4 22, Taylor 3 2-3 8, Burke 2 2-2 6, Ballard 2 0-2 4. Totals 26 9-16 64. CHRISTIANSBURG (62)

McMillan 2 0-0 4, Porter 7 3-3 17, Bentley 5 0-0 12, Gregory 2 0-0 4, Lucas 2 2-4 6, Gillenwater 1 0-0 3, Sabo 2 1-5 5, Smith 4 2-3 11. Totals 25 8-15 62. Northside 17181811-64 Christiansburg 2018159-62

Three-point goals: Northside, Baker 2, Briscoe; Christiansburg, Bentley 2, Gillenwater, Smith. Total fouls: Northside, 11, Christiansburg 15.

JV: 65-53, Northside.

 by CNB