Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, February 14, 1991                   TAG: 9102140332
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Samples of modern fine-arts music will be heard and discussed Wednesday in the opening installment of a three-part 20th-Century Music Encounter Series.

The session will be in the second-floor gallery of the Roanoke Museum of Fine Arts, starting at 7:30 p.m., and is open to the public. There will be no charge, but donations will be collected.

Work by the 10 most recent Pulitzer Prize winners in music will be featured. Among the composers are Ellen Zwilich, Paul Harbison, Roger Sessions and Mel Powell.

Discussion of the music will be led by a panel of six music professionals and two visual artists. The former are Allen Bachelder, Mark Camphouse, Bruce Mahin, Byron Petty, Robert Stewart and Shuka Watanabe. The visual artists are Ed Dolinger and Bob Crawford, who will serve as moderator.

Crawford also chairs the Contemporary Art Group, a non-profit organization of Roanoke-area artists who seek "to enliven and improve the aesthetic environment of the region."

The 20th Century Music Encounter Series is part of CAG's Gift of Music Project, through which the group aims to help make important works of 20th century fine arts music available to the public by building a collection of recordings and giving it to public radio station WVTF (89.1 FM).

Crawford said CAG also believes the project will help to identify and develop the audience for such music.

Members of the public are invited to pledge one or more compact discs to the collection, which will be gathered and cataloged with the guidance of an advisory panel of professional composers, performers, teachers and scholars.

John Cage, writer, artist and a leading figure in 20th century music, is an honorary member of the advisory committee.

 by CNB