Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, February 14, 1991                   TAG: 9102140438
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Plans for a complex of soccer fields near Roanoke Regional Airport have been dropped because of concerns about safety and aircraft operations.

The Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club has withdrawn its request to use land next to a clear zone for one of the runways.

"Concerns over the use of this land for our purposes appear too difficult to overcome at this time," the club said in a letter to the Regional Airport Commission.

"We have decided it is not feasible to continue with this specific project."

The commission had been scheduled to hold a public hearing Wednesday on the club's request to lease about 50 acres on the north side of Peters Creek Road. The Federal Aviation Administration said last month that the soccer complex would not be "a compatible land use" with the airport.

The Air Transport Association of America, which represents major airlines, also said it would be "imprudent" to allow a soccer complex on the airport property.

Also Wednesday, the commission approved a $4 million budget for the airport for the fiscal year that begins July 1. The budget is down slightly from the current fiscal year because airport officials expect a 6 percent reduction in revenues from rental car agencies, the parking lot and other concessions that are linked to the number of passengers.

Jacqueline Shuck, airport executive director, said some decrease in passengers is expected as a result of the recession.

Despite the decline in revenues from concessions, she said she is confident the new terminal can be maintained at a high level and that first-class service will be provided.

No increases in rental rates or other charges are planned in the new fiscal year, and the airport will retain the same staffing level.

Shuck said the budget includes some money for merit pay raises for employees, but no across-the-board pay increases.

She said the airport can operate with a slightly lower budget because the actual operating costs for the new terminal have been less than projected when the current budget was developed. She said the budget will not require any subsidy from Roanoke and Roanoke County.

Shuck said there was a 4.5 percent dip in passenger-related income in January, but the overall revenues for the fiscal year look good and within projections.

 by CNB