Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, February 15, 1991                   TAG: 9102150489
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 7   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: from wire reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


President Bush decided this Valentine's Day to make sure his wife is never at a loss for words.

The president's Valentine gift for his wife was a small electronic thesaurus and dictionary.

"It was hanging in the car when I got in," Barbara Bush said Thursday morning as she played with the gadget during a flight to Indianapolis.

She said that she and her husband typically do not exchange presents and that she did not give her husband a Valentine gift. Nevertheless, she said she was delighted with the gift because "I can't spell Barbara Bush."

The president added a romantic touch. It was a note that said, "I love ya." Barbara Bush commented, "He can't spell, either."

Robert Goulet flew over downtown Los Angeles on a bright, picture-perfect Valentine's Day and serenaded the city with "On a Clear Day, You Can See Forever."

Goulet boarded a loudspeaker-equipped helicopter with KLOS-FM radio personalities during the morning for the Valentine's treat.

The Las Vegas resident also sang "If Ever I Would Leave You."

Goulet then had the pilot fly over the singer's 72-foot yacht, Rogo, in Marina del Rey, where he surprised his wife of nine years, Vera, with a loudspeaker rendition of "My Funny Valentine."

William Hurt did not have a common-law marriage with a woman who subsequently bore his son, a New York state court ruled Thursday in rejecting an appeal from a former New York City Ballet dancer.

The state Court of Appeals upheld two lower court decisions by refusing to hear an appeal from Sandra Jennings, the mother of Alexander Devon Hurt.

Jennings lived with the Oscar-winning actor from 1981 to 1984.

Jennings' lawyer, Richard Golub, said no more appeals are planned.

 by CNB