Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, February 15, 1991                   TAG: 9102160041
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B/4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A complex of soccer fields that had been proposed near the Roanoke Regional Airport might be developed at another site in the Roanoke Valley.

"We don't feel the project is dead because a specific site is not available," said Roger Jones, president of the Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club.

The club on Wednesday withdrew its request to use land next to the clear zone of an airport runway because of concerns about safety and aircraft operations.

The club is investigating alternative sites for the complex, Jones said Thursday. "We still believe it is a viable project."

Roanoke County would be an ideal site for the complex, county Supervisor Bob Johnson said Thursday.

Soccer fields, bleachers, concession stands and parking lots could be built along the Roanoke River in the county's Green Hill Park in Glenvar, Johnson said. "We have the acreage for them, without much digging or blasting . . . It wouldn't be as visible as [the proposed site near] the airport, and it wouldn't be as close to motels.

"But the land is available, and at the right price, I suspect. Obviously, the interest is there."

Johnson said he and other supervisors have asked County Administrator Elmer Hodge to talk to local soccer boosters "and see what we can do."

"I'm totally in favor of it," board Chairman Steve McGraw said. As he envisions it, the county could lease the land for a nominal fee, such as $1 a year. Soccer boosters would build the fields and related facilities, which would be used and maintained by the county when not needed for tournaments.

It's possible a softball complex could be built in the county, too, McGraw said.

The two supervisors emphasized the impact an amateur sports complex could have on the local economy. "You make a lot of money in tourism dollars by attracting soccer and softball tournaments," Johnson said.

 by CNB