Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, February 17, 1991                   TAG: 9102170022
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B4   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: DES MOINES, IOWA                                LENGTH: Medium


Drake basketball coach Rudy Washington, a founder and former president of the Black Coaches Association, says he's been the target of racial slurs on the road this year, a newspaper reported Saturday.

The first-year coach told The Des Moines Register he was subjected to racial insults repeatedly by fans at Indiana State and at games at Southern Illinois and Southwest Missouri State.

Drake and the other schools are members of the Missouri Valley Conference. Washington is the only black coach in the league, but not the first.

"He's accusing the whole league of being racist. But he'll have to substantiate his charges," conference commissioner Doug Elgin told The Register. "I realize this has been a very tough year for Washington and his team. His program is really the pits."

Drake has lost 10 straight games, is 6-17 overall and 3-9 in the conference.

Elgin later apologized to Drake officials regarding his comments about the Bulldogs' athletic program, saying the quote was taken out of context.

"Rudy Washington is a class individual who has been in winning programs," Elgin said. "I think the kind of experience he is going through now is new to him. It's been a frustrating season for Rudy."

Elgin said he spoke with Washington by telephone late Friday and that the conference would deal with the matter at a later date.

"This is no way to solve the problem," Elgin said of Washington's disclosures to the media.

Washington said he would discuss the matter with Elgin at an appropriate time.

Washington is a founder of the 2,000-member Black Coaches Association, which seeks to improve employment opportunities for minorities in college athletics. He serves on its board of directors.

 by CNB