Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, February 18, 1991                   TAG: 9102180005
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Tyne Daly was fined $927.50 and ordered to attend a 90-day alcohol education program after pleading no contest to a misdemeanor drunken driving charge.

The 43-year-old actress, who did not appear in court Thursday, also had her driver's license restricted for 90 days, permitting her to drive only to and from work and the alcohol education program.

Daly, who won an Emmy for her role as policewoman Mary Beth Lacey in the TV series "Cagney and Lacey," also was placed on informal probation for three years.

Brandon Tartikoff, NBC Entertainment Group president, returned to work six weeks after sustaining serious injuries in a car crash.

Tartikoff's 8-year-old daughter, Calla, remains in satisfactory condition, a network spokesman said. The family returned to Los Angeles on Tuesday after staying in the Reno, Nev., area since the Jan. 1 accident near Tartikoff's Lake Tahoe resort home.

Rod Stewart is being sued for $25 million in palimony by fashion model Kelly Emberg, who claims his promises of love and commitment were made solely to enhance his career.

The two met in 1983 and lived together from 1985 to July 1990. They have a 3-year-old daughter, Ruby. Emberg's Superior Court lawsuit claims she's entitled to half the rock singer's assets, including homes in Los Angeles and England.

Stewart, 46, married model Rachel Hunter, 22, in December.

Ziba Ayeen, Miss Nebraska-USA, may have to march to the call of wartime duty before she gets to sashay down the runway at the Miss USA pageant Friday.

Ayeen, 26, a native of Afghanistan, is an Army National Guard medic and could be activated any day. "All that we have been told is there is a good chance it could happen," she said recently during a rehearsal for the pageant finals' worldwide telecast. "I'm willing to go with my unit if it is activated. I just hope it wouldn't be in the next two weeks."

Now a U.S. citizen, Ayeen said she joined the guard in 1984, in part to thank this country for opportunities since she immigrated in 1980, a year after the Soviet Union invaded her homeland.

Max Baer Jr., a former Beverly Hillbilly, won a $2 million award on Wednesday against ABC-TV when a jury in Los Angeles decided that the network had kept him from gaining the film rights to Madonna's hit song "Like a Virgin."

The jury said ABC had illegally threatened to sue the song's writers if they sold the rights to Baer, who planned to make a movie from the song.

Baer, who played Jethro on "The Beverly Hillbillies" from 1962 to 1971, is now producing films. So far, two of them have been based on songs. During the trial in Superior Court, the network said it had begun negotiations with Tom Kelly and Billy Steinberg, who wrote "Like a Virgin," for a movie based on the song before Baer began his negotiations.

 by CNB