Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, February 18, 1991                   TAG: 9102180024
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: MANAGUA, NICARAGUA                                LENGTH: Medium


An official from the Sandinista-controlled security police Sunday promised a full-scale probe into the slaying of former Contra chief Enrique Bermudez, whose death cast doubt on government assurances for the safety of other rebels who laid down their arms.

But a right-wing radio station blamed the slaying of Bermudez late Saturday on Sandinista sympathizers, some of whom cheered the news of the killing.

Officials said they had no suspects, and no one immediately claimed responsibility for the killing.

A gunman shot Bermudez, 58, outside his car near the downtown Intercontinental Hotel on Saturday night then fled on foot.

Vice Interior Minister Jose Pallais said it appeared Bermudez was followed, and was shot twice from a distance of five to six feet.

Sports Minister Carlos Garcia, who graduated from the Military Academy in 1952 with Bermudez, said he saw the former Contra leader in the hotel bar shortly after 9 p.m. local time Saturday.

Bermudez told him he had been looking in vain for someone.

" `I'm leaving,' " Garcia said Bermudez told him. " `I don't want to get you hurt. There are people here who think only evil.' "

Minutes later, Bermudez was sprawled on his back next to his Jeep with two bullet holes behind his left ear.

Taxi driver Rene Sanchez said a man looked at the body and said, "This man died by the bullet. He is 380, Enrique Bermudez," then hurried away. Bermudez's nom de guerre was "Comandante 380."

Garcia added that the slaying clouds the government's ability to guarantee the safety of ex-Contras.

Bermudez only months earlier said he feared death at the hands of the Sandinistas.

Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo said Bermudez had told him in a letter that he felt in danger.

" `If something happens to me, I hold responsible all those who conspire with the Sandinistas,' " Bermudez said in the Nov. 21, 1990, letter, according to the cleric.

In a Sunday broadcast right-wing Radio Corporacion blamed the Sandinistas.

"The eyes of the people say the Sandinistas are responsible for his death," the radio asserted.

Pallais called the killing "an attack against the policy of reconciliation by the government of President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro."

The Interior Ministry, responsible for internal security, remains under the control of the Sandinistas, who Chamorro's coalition defeated a year ago at the polls.

 by CNB