Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 20, 1991                   TAG: 9102200472
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


License suspension: The Senate voted 22-12 for a bill that requires drug offenders to lose their driver's license for six months, after amending the billto include certain murderers, legislators and bad-check writers as well.

\ Horse racing: The Senate voted 21-11 to approve a bill that would allow Virginiahorse racing tracks to simulcast and take bets on races at other tracks.

\ Relief requests: The Senate voted 22-14 for a bill that would allow Gov. DouglasWilder to lift certain state mandates on financially stressed localities that request relief.

\ Tobacco age requirement: The Senate voted 23-14 to pass a bill raising the legal age for buying or possessing tobacco from 16 to 18.

\ Smoking exemption: The Senate voted 33-3 to pass a bill exempting unenclosed elevators from the state's law restricting public smoking.

\ Non-smoking prosecution: The Senate voted 27-9 to pass a bill saying commonwealth's attorneys are responsible for prosecuting violations of the law restricting public smoking.

\ Vehicle body lifts: The Senate voted 35-2 to pass a bill prohibiting vehicle body lifts of more than 2 inches.

\ State insect: The Senate voted 28-9 for a bill making the tiger swallowtail butterfly the official state insect.

\ Child pornography possession: The House of Delegates voted 57-29 to kill a bill making possession of child pornography a misdemeanor.

\ Property tax exemption: The House killed a property tax exemption bill that the Senate had amended to add its proposal to accelerate collection of June sales taxes. The House Finance Committee already had killed a separate sales tax acceleration bill and attached its property tax exemptions onto another Senate bill.

\ Public housing leases: The House voted 66-34 to accept a Senate amendment removing a Feb. 1, 1992, expiration date from a bill barring public housing leases that prohibit tenants from possessing guns.

\ Redistricting: The House and Senate Privileges and Elections Committees conducted a 45-minute public hearing on plans for redistricting.

 by CNB