Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 20, 1991                   TAG: 9102200474
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: STATE 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: RICHMOND                                LENGTH: Short


Senate Majority Leader Hunter Andrews of Hampton, one of the legislature's most powerful members, is set to return to work today after suffering chest pains.

"He's clean as a whistle and doing well," Andrews aide Delores Isaacson said Tuesday afternoon. "He'll be back in the office after some more rest in the hospital."

Isaacson said routine tests at the Medical College of Virginia showed no apparent signs of illness or fatigue. Andrews walked to the hospital Monday after experiencing chest pains and tightness.

Andrews' wife, Cynthia, said the heavy legislative workload might have affected the 68-year-old lawmaker.

It "could have been indigestion - the way those guys have been under so much stress," Andrews' wife said.

"I see nothing to be concerned about," she said. "I've been told it was not necessary for me to come running up the road and come bothering everyone."

As chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee, Andrews was one of three senators and three delegates who faced a Tuesday midnight deadline to work out differences between the Senate and House of Delegates budget amendments.

Sen. Dudley Emick, D-Fincastle, briefly took Andrews' place as leader of the Senate Democrats and on the budget conference committee.

The other conferees were Sens. Howard Anderson of Halifax and Clive DuVal of McLean and Dels. Robert Ball of Richmond, Alan Diamonstein of Newport News and Earl Dickinson of Louisa County. DuVal substituted for Sen. Stanley Walker of Norfolk, who has missed the session because of heart surgery.


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