Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 27, 1991                   TAG: 9102270335
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Part of Roseanne Barr's $35 million lawsuit against the National Enquirer for publishing love letters she claims the gossip tabloid stole from her has been dismissed by a Los Angeles judge.

U.S. District Judge Ronald Lew dismissed two racketeering counts against the weekly, saying they did not conform with provisions of federal racketeering statutes. A conspiracy charge was left in place.

Gloria Estefan returns to the road this week for the first time since breaking her back in a bus crash last year.

The singer's "Into the Light" world tour officially opens Friday at the Miami Arena.

"We've got a lot of surprises," Estefan said. "The stage itself is like a playground for us. We've also got four dancers, which we've never had before. It's going to be a very physical show."

"I've spent the whole year recovering and my whole focus was on that moment when I could be onstage singing again," she said. "It's a very special moment."

Val Kilmer, who stars as singer Jim Morrison in the new film "The Doors," says he was never a fan of the 1960s band.

"I had my black light poster of the Beatles, and Jimi Hendrix with his hair on fire, but no Doors," the 31-year-old said in an interview published in this week's Entertainment Weekly magazine.

He also told director Oliver Stone that he was concerned about playing Morrison.

"I told Oliver, `If your intention is to glorify his lifestyle, I've got no interest,' which was pretty pretentious for me to say. But Morrison was an alcoholic, and that's no way to live," said Kilmer.

 by CNB