Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, February 28, 1991                   TAG: 9102270200
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


IMAGINE a boy named Babe. A girl named Dave. Boys named Angel, Demon or Mom. Girls named Beauty, Bran or Farm.

They are names that beg for a double take - and, unfortunately, a snicker or two, says UCLA psychology professor Albert Mehrabian.

But they also are real-life names - discovered on birth certificates for research on his book, "The Name Game: The Decision That Lasts a Lifetime" (National Press Books; $9.95).

Names, he said, too often are given on a whim or as family tradition or attempted humor.

"Parents who invest untold hours toward the social, emotional and educational development of their children cannot afford to be too cavalier about this single most important contribution they make to their children at birth," Mehrabian writes. "You owe it to your children to select a name that will help them get through life and not handicap them."

Mehrabian, who is hired by prospective parents as a name consultant, has studied the emotional and psychological impact of names for the past several years.

His book rates 1,800 first names, male and female, in six categories that he says give a general picture of a person: success, morality, cheerfulness, warmth, health and masculinity/femininity.

In Mehrabian's study, names that rated highly in all six categories tended to be traditional ones: James, Robert, Ann, Julie and Laura.

Respondents were given one name at a time and asked to imagine what the name alone implied about a person. Each name was rated by at least 20 men and women.

Mehrabian found that people form first impressions based largely on personal appearance and names. Last names count, too, but first names seem to have more bearing, he says.

Sometimes name connotations come from sound-related associations (the name Kit sounds crisp and clean), historical figures (Moses is associated with morality), famous people (Jacqueline is connected with Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis) or meanings (Prudence is from the word "prudent").

People also base their impressions on past experience with others of the same name, Mehrabian said.

Along with sound associations, people also make visual impressions of the name, Mehrabian said. So Katherine probably ranked higher in the category of female names associated with success than Catherine because the letter "K is stronger and has more backbone to it," Mehrabian says. "C is softer. People go by the visual appearance of the word."

Diminutives, such as Cathy, tend to score lower.

Of female names associated with success, Jacqueline had the highest rating. Brooke led the category in female names that imply health. And Conan was top-ranked of about 900 male names for masculinity.

Although Mehrabian wrote the book mainly for parents, he hopes those who aren't happy with their names will take heed. He suggests that they check the book's ratings before going to an extreme such as legalizing a new name.

Before spending the money for a legal change, Mehrabian suggests using a middle name or trying a nickname.

For the record, Mehrabian's first name, Albert, scores fairly well. A score of 50 is average, with a range from 0 to above 100. Albert scores 54 for success, 61 for morality, 45 for healthfulness, 66 for warmth, 50 for cheerfulness and 64 for masculinity.

However, Mehrabian denied that his own first name got a good rating.

"My own name, Albert, is not so terrific," he said. "But my brother, Robert, has a fantastic name."

 by CNB