Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, March 3, 1991                   TAG: 9103050500
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Melrose Baptist Church was the setting Saturday, March 2, 1991, for the evening wedding of Jo Ellen Sanders and John Baxter Armstrong. The Rev. Larry E. Sprouse officiated. The reception was held in the Church fellowship hall. The matron of honor was Sara H. Kennedy, friend of the bride. The bridesmaids were Denise Armstrong, sister of the groom, Terri Townsend, friend of the bride, and D'Andrea Trainor, cousin of the bride. Sumter Armstrong, cousin of the groom, served as the flower girl.

The best man was Thomas Armstrong, father of the groom. The ushers were Doug Austin, Gary Luzader, and Kim Noonkester, all friends of the groom. Robert Armstrong, cousin of the groom, was the ring bearer.

The bride was escorted by her father. She wore a gown of candlelight satin, re-embroidered with sequins and pearls. She carried a bouquet of cascading silk gardenias, white roses, and miniature ivy.

Music was provided by Doretha H. Holley and Sara H. Kennedy. Vocalists were Jim Tobey and Jo Ellen Sanders.

Jo Ellen, daughter of Joe and Mary Ellen Sanders, of Roanoke, is a graduate of Northside High School and Radford University. She is employed as Activity Director for Carriage Hill Nursing Home in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She is also the granddaughter of Lottie T. Bryant, of Roanoke, formerly of Troutville, Va. Jack, son of Tom and Ann Armstrong, of Columbia, South Carolina, formerly of Roanoke, is a graduate of Northside High School and Virginia Tech. He is employed by Potomac Supply Corporation in Kinsale, Virginia.

After a wedding trip to Florida and the Bahamas, the couple will make their home in Fredericksburg, Va.

 by CNB