Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, March 9, 1991                   TAG: 9103090433
DATELINE: FOREST                                LENGTH: Medium


The manager of Bedford's radio station was named Citizen of the Year on Friday night by the Bedford Area Chamber of Commerce.

Jim Patterson, who has worked since 1961 for WBLT, also is co-owner of the Snack Shop in Bedford. He has been involved in civic organizations for three decades, chamber President John L. Wynne told members at their annual meeting and awards dinner.

Patterson has participated in the Bedford Jaycees, Boy Scouts, St. Mary's Catholic Church and athletic booster clubs.

Patterson, who also celebrated his 50th birthday Friday, was praised for his contribution to the community via the 40-year-old radio station, 1350 on the AM dial.

"This year's winner has shown a dedication to the community through his work at WBLT and allowing area non-profits to promote their projects through unlimited public service announcements and speaking on his daily `Talk Back' program," Wynne said.

The chamber also commended Coleman-Adams Construction Co. by awarding it Business/Industry of the Year.

The Forest company has promoted economic development in Bedford with its work on Greenstone, Lake Vista and Little Otter Industrial Park, Wynne said.

The company also has been active in community affairs in its support of the American Heart Association, United Way, Junior Achievement, Region 2000, local colleges, youth athletics and the Lynchburg and Bedford chambers of commerce, he said.

Started in 1971 with sales of $200,000, Coleman-Adams sales through 1990 totaled $33 million, Wynne said.

Meg Spurrier, property manager of Shoreline Realty, won the Outstanding Service Award for volunteer service to the chamber. Spurrier, a resident of Smith Mountain Lake since 1979, has been on the chamber board since 1986.

In a new award, the chamber named Scott & Bond winner of a Community Involvement Award for making a special contribution to the Bedford area.

After hearing that the Chamber of Commerce could no longer sponsor the Christmas parade in 1990, Scott & Bond promptly volunteered to take over sponsorship and made the parade a success, Wynne said.

James Madison University President Ronald Carrier, guest speaker at the dinner, advised chamber members to develop a plan for Bedford's future. "In 2001, you can be 10 years older or you can be something important or great if you have a vision."

 by CNB