Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, March 10, 1991                   TAG: 9103120026
SECTION: HORIZON                    PAGE: D-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


SARA MIDDA'S SOUTH OF FRANCE: A SKETCH BOOK. By Sara Midda. Workman. $17.95.

As colorful and charming as the region she paints, Sara Midda's book glows and reflects joy from every page.

An artist interested in everything, Midda enhances what she sees: watering cans, olive trees, cheeses, cafe signs, watermelons, even the family laundry drying in the sun. The scrutiny she lavishes upon the most simple objects makes them shimmer like the Mediterranean sun on a white beach.

Just as the title states, this is a sketch book, without pretension. In addition to her watercolors, Midda adds comments pertinent to each month. These range from historical events, such as Petrarch's meeting Laura on April 6, 1327, in Avignon, to the menu for a picnic the author enjoys in October of the current year. Her enthusiasm is contagious in the most wonderful way.

Alas, Christmas has passed. Still, everyone has a birthday. I can think of nothing more appropriate for giving, for sharing, than this lovely little book. Appropriate for ages 10 and up, one size fits all, guaranteed to give pleasure to all discerning people, here we have the perfect gift. Even after the largesse showered upon me during the holidays, I feel a special affection for this present. Thank you, book editor.

If I owned a bookstore, I would buy hundreds of copies of Sara Midda's treasure and place a spotlight on them so that customers could not leave the shop without buying at least one . . . or a dozen.

 by CNB