Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 13, 1991                   TAG: 9103130004
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: NORFOLK                                LENGTH: Medium


Radford University basketball coach Oliver Purnell said he was interested in the Old Dominion coaching opening but had not been contacted.

Former Old Dominion basketball standout Dave Twardzik has talked with ODU athletic director Jim Jarrett about the Monarchs' coaching vacancy, but school officials say the search is still being conducted.

"In contrast to reports in the press, no person has been appointed," said ODU President James V. Koch. "There is no leading candidate - that is someone's dream. It is an open search, a national search."

Koch said Monday a new coach would be announced by the end of the month.

Purnell, 37, is a 1975 ODU graduate and was an assistant coach for the Monarchs through 1985. He also was an assistant at Maryland before becoming Radford's head coach in 1988.

"I'm very happy here at Radford, but I'd be interested in talking," Purnell said. "I've always said you should listen to what someone has to say."

Jarrett would not say if he had spoken with Twardzik, who is scouting director for the NBA's Charlotte Hornets. But Twardzik said he talked with Jarrett during a half-hour phone call Monday.

"We're just in the discussing stage right now," Twardzik said.

Twardzik, 40, has been an assistant coach for two NBA teams and played professionally from 1972 to 1980. He was at ODU from 1969 to 1972 and was a first-team Division II All-American in 1972 with averages of 23.4 points and 11.4 assists a game.

"I definitely have to look into it," Twardzik said of the ODU job. "It's more interesting if you're offered a job where you went to school. Obviously, that has a lot of appeal."

Jarrett said the position will be advertised in this week's NCAA News.

 by CNB