Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 13, 1991                   TAG: 9103130080
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Bob Teitlebaum
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


It was not a misprint that Northside standout John Baker was not selected to the 10-man All-Region III basketball team.

Baker was the second-leading scorer in Timesland during the regular season with a 23.1 average. He also averaged 7.5 rebounds to lead the Blue Ridge District, averaged a team-high 3.2 assists and shot 52.9 percent from the field and 34.1 percent from 3-point range.

First, it is necessary to explain how the All-Region III team was picked. It started with the All-Blue Ridge District team that was chosen after the regular season. Tournament play is no factor. Each coach nominates players from his team for consideration for the All-Blue Ridge District squad.

William Byrd athletic director Jane Layman receives nominations and statistics for each player. Layman compiles the list of nominations and sends a ballot to each coach in the district. The coach then ranks the players one through 10, with one the highest. Coaches cannot vote for their own players.

Layman then tabulates the votes with one point for first, two for second, etc. The player with the lowest total is the most valuable player and the first five make up the All-Blue Ridge District team. Baker tied for fourth place.

Athletic directors from each district in Region III selected the all-regional team. Layman (Blue Ridge), Larry Bier (Seminole) of Jefferson Forest and Al Wilson (Piedmont) of Bassett picked the 10-man All-Region III team.

The athletic directors took the top three vote-getters from each district and placed them on the All-Region III team. For the 10th spot, they selected one player from among the three who finished fourth in all-district voting. They decided on Laurel Park's Lemont Wells.

The choosing of the All-Region III team, though it was done the same way as it has been for the past few years in girls' and boys' basketball, was not done according to Region III bylaws, which say the team is to be chosen on the Saturday night of the championship game and will be a 10-man squad selected from among the top five vote-getters from each of the three all-district teams.

Layman was informed of the discrepancy on the Friday before the team was officially released.

"This is the way it's been done for years," said Layman, who then called Bassett principal Leon Gunter, the vice chairman of Region III.

"His [Gunter's] feeling is that we didn't do anything procedurally different than we've done in the past and that if there was a problem, it needed to be addressed by the regional council," Layman said. "The team had been picked and would stand as it is."

Blue Ridge coaches couldn't believe Baker hadn't finished in the top three.

"If Baker's not in the top two [of the Blue Ridge District], there's been an injustice done," said Salem coach Len Mosser, who was the only coach to vote Baker No. 1.

That Baker served a one-game suspension for violating team training rules might have influenced voting for the All-Blue Ridge District team.

Alleghany coach Jimmy Smith said he didn't vote Baker among the first two. Smith, who said he has many concerns with the way all-star teams are picked, said, "It [the suspension] has to be in the back of your mind some as a coach. It probably shouldn't have now that I think about it."

William Byrd coach Paul Barnard said he wrestled with the question of Baker's suspension. He voted for Lord Botetourt's Bobby Prince first and Baker second.

"Do you take into consideration everything?" asked Barnard. "If you select people on their talent and talent alone, he [Baker] should be on everything."

Lord Botetourt coach Don Meredith voted Baker behind Northside's Chad Briscoe. "After disciplinary action, why knock him?" Meredith said. "You treat him as a human being who made a mistake."

Northside coach Billy Pope said, "I think John's performance speaks for itself. I think he's good enough not only for all-region, but also for consideration for all-state."

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