Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 15, 1991                   TAG: 9103150022
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


By official proclamation, Monday is "Symphony Day" in Roanoke. The occasion will be commemorated by a noontime parade, complete with clowns and jugglers, and a concert in the evening.

What it's all about is the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra's official return to the Roanoke Civic Center auditorium, from which it was evicted in September by a fire and prolonged repairs.

The evening's concert is designed to please Roanoke's Beethoven-loving audience. After an opening fanfare, the program will be all-Beethoven: the Triple Concerto and the Sixth Symphony.

Appearing with the orchestra on the concerto will be the Kandinsky Trio.

The concert is set for 8 p.m., with Victoria Bond conducting.

Monday's midday parade will form on Seventh Street near Calvary Baptist Church and proceed east along Campbell Avenue to Williamson Road. The Symphony Day proclamation will be presented by Vice Mayor Howard Musser at the City Market after the procession.

Parade participants will include a U.S. Navy color guard unit; the Patrick Henry High School Marching Band; the William Fleming High School Gospel Choir; Miss Roanoke Valley; the Shriners fire brigade; clowns and jugglers; and Victoria Bond and other orchestra representatives, including horses from the annual Symphony Polo Cup.

Because of the September fire and subsequent repairs, the orchestra was unable to give this season's first three subscription concerts in the auditorium. It used the Roanoke and Salem coliseums instead.

The fourth concert took place in the auditorium. There was a welcoming speech by Musser, but officials didn't count that concert as the official homecoming because the hall was only partly restored at the time.

Monday's concert will open with RSO Fanfare No. 5 by James Sochinski. The composer is a member of the orchestra who has been commissioned to write a fanfare for each of the orchestra's six subscription concerts this season. Monday's will salute Allen Bachelder, trumpeter and longtime member of the orchestra.

Beethoven's Concerto for Piano, Violin, Violoncello and Orchestra in C Major, Op. 56, was completed in 1804 when the composer was 34 years old. It differs from traditional concertos in that it contains not one or two but three demanding solos. Performing them will be violinist Benedict Goodfriend, cellist Alan Weinstein and pianist Elizabeth Bachelder.

Collectively, they are the Kandinsky Trio, resident trio of Roanoke College. The group dates from 1987 and has performed as far afield as Florida, Canada and Minnesota. In addition to playing with the trio, the three musicians teach at Roanoke College and perform as soloists, recitalists and in company with other musicians in the area.

(The Trio has a concert of its own Saturday at 8 in Olin Hall at Roanoke College. Paul Cortese, violist, will be guest artist. Tickets will be available at the door for $5.)

The Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op. 68, will complete Monday's concert. It was finished in June 1808 and was performed for the first time the following December. Also known as the "Pastoral," the work expresses Beethoven's deep love of nature.

Tickets for Monday's concert are available in limited numbers at $10, $12 and $14 (half price for students). The box office number is 343-9127.

Monday morning's orchestra rehearsal will be open to the public. It will start at 9:45 a.m. in the civic center auditorium. Refreshments will be served at intermission. The admission charge is $1 to cover the cost of the refreshments.

The open rehearsal is a project of the Roanoke Symphony Association, a volunteer support group for the orchestra.


Parade, noon Monday on Campbell Avenue from 7th Street to Williamson Raod.

Concert, 8 p.m. Monday, roanoke Civic Center auditorium;

tickets $10-$14. 343-9127

 by CNB