Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 15, 1991                   TAG: 9103150171
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Joe Kennedy
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


SLINGER: Joe Theismann, retired quarterback from the Washington Redskins, will speak on behalf of the Roanoke Valley Division of the American Heart Association Monday night at 7 at the Roanoke Airport Marriott.

"A Litehearted Evening with Joe Theismann" will raise funds for heart education and research. Tickets are $100 per person. For information call 989-2810.

\ BIG THREE: The Kandinsky Trio will present a concert Saturday night at 8 at Olin Theater of Roanoke College in Salem. Paul Cortese, former principal violist with the La Scala Orchestra in Milan, will be their guest.

The program will include the world premiere of Milton Granger's "Suite of Dances," written for the trio. Granger formerly was associated with Hollins College and numerous musical organizations in the valley.

Tickets are $5.

\ BLARNEY: The Roanoke Special Events Committee is overseeing a St. Patrick's Day celebration Saturday starting at 11 a.m. with games and other frivolousness in Lee Plaza in downtown Roanoke. The parade will be at noon. Buses will take people on The Ring of Roanoke - to eating and drinking establishments - starting at 1 p.m. and a St. Patrick's Dance will be held that night at the former C.B. Halsey warehouse at 109 Norfolk Avenue in Roanoke. The Diamonds will provide the music.

Admission to the dance is $5. Those who ride the shuttle bus for the Ring of Roanoke earlier that day will get in for $3.

\ BENEFIT CONCERT: Country singer Moe Bandy will perform Wednesday night at 7 at the LancerLot Sports Complex in Vinton to raise money for the Lt. Terry Plunk Scholarship Foundation. The money will be awarded to a deserving student at William Byrd High School, Plunk's alma mater.

Plunk, an Army lieutenant and VMI graduate, died in Operation Desert Storm.

Tickets are $10 in advance and $12.50 at the door. Further information is available from 343-4747.

\ WORDS, WORDS: Novelists Carolyn Chute ("The Beans of Egypt, Maine") and Denise Giardina ("Storming Heaven") will be among the writers featured at the Hollins College Literary Festival on Saturday. Registration is at 9:30 a.m. The first reading is at 10:30 in Babcock Auditorium of the Dana Science Building.

That afternoon, a panel will discuss selected poems.

The festival is free. Lunch may be purchased in the Hollins Dining Room. A reception will follow the festival in the Dana Lounge.

 by CNB