Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 15, 1991                   TAG: 9103150521
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Jack Klugman, star of TV's the "Odd Couple," never promised to promote a chain of gourmet pop Klugman corn stores, a New York City jury has ruled.

Klugman said he felt "terrific" after the verdict in a breach-of-contract suit against him, a partner and Jack's Corn Crib, which went out of business in 1985. Klugman owned 40 percent of the company.

The lawsuit was filed by a Minnesota couple, James and Mary Garber, who owned Jack's Corn Crib franchises in Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Washington and Atlantic City, N.J.

They claimed that Klugman, star of the TV series "The Odd Couple" and "Quincy, M.E." failed to promote the stores as promised.

The Garbers' attorney said she will appeal.

\ Gary Collins, after nine years as emcee of the Miss America pageant, has sung his last "There She Is."

"The pageant and I felt that the timing was right for us to part company," he said Thursday.

Pageant director Leonard Horn said a new host has not been selected. He refused to say whether former host Bert Parks, who appeared on the pageant's 70th anniversary show last year, would be back.

Horn said Collins' work required him to stay mostly in Southern California. He is host of the daily TV program "The Home Show."

Collins replaced Ron Ely, formerly television's Tarzan, as host in 1982.

\ Margaret Thatcher said it was best for her pocketbook that her visit to the huge South Coast Plaza Mall in Costa Mesa, Calif., was limited.

"I've been around the shops and believe you me, I'm glad I haven't more time to spend here. I'd be broke," Thatcher said.

The former British prime minister was in Southern California to receive thanks for supporting a Festival of Britain promotion in Orange County.

Thatcher was unable to leave politics behind during a speech to merchants and shoppers at the shopping mall, 40 miles southeast of Los Angeles. She spoke of the Operation Desert Storm alliance.

"Of course, we're your most reliable friend and ally," she said. "I think it was Winston Churchill who said, `So long as the United States and United Kingdom stand together, the world always will be free.' "

 by CNB