Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, March 16, 1991                   TAG: 9103160035
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-4   EDITION: STATE 
DATELINE: PRINCETON, W.VA.                                LENGTH: Short


Investigators Friday began looking into the crash of a single-engine plane into a house in Mercer County that left four members of a Bristol, Va., family hospitalized.

The four-seater Cessna clipped some treetops and the roof of a house before crashing into another house Thursday, police said.

National Transportation Safety Board investigators said the plane was on approach to Mercer County Airport in Bluefield, W.Va., and had its instruments on, indicating the pilot was concerned about the weather, Bluefield station WVVA-TV reported.

Thomas Metcalfe, 46, and his wife, Sarah, 46, were in serious but stable condition Friday at Princeton Community Hospital, nursing supervisor Diane Hines said.

Their 18-year-old son, Jeffrey, was in critical condition with head injuries and their 16-year-old daughter, Darah, was in serious but stable condition, Hines said.

 by CNB