Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, March 16, 1991                   TAG: 9103160311
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Two Roanoke men were arrested Friday in the shooting of two men in the Lincoln Terrace housing project Thursday, police said.

Anthony Lamont Kasey, 19, of the 1300 block Gilmer Avenue Northwest and Ronald Henderson, 22, of Harrison Avenue Northwest, were charged with malicious wounding and use of a firearm, according to court records.

On Thursday, Curtis Ronnie Hilton, 18, of Northwest Roanoke, and Maurice Daniel Dooley, 19, of Christiansburg, were wounded when at least two people opened fire on them as they sat in a parked car on Gandy Drive, police said.

Dooley was treated for two gunshot wounds to his head and two shots to his chest and arm. Roanoke Memorial Hospital officials would not comment on his condition at the request of family members.

Hilton, shot in the hand and lower back, was in stable condition Friday morning at Community Hospital of the Roanoke Valley. He no longer was at the hospital Friday night; hospital officials would not say whether he was released or transferred to another hospital.

According to court records, Hilton had been charged this month with possession of cocaine with intent to distribute. He was released from jail March 5.

Police had obtained warrants charging Hilton with being involved in a Wednesday night shooting in which Recceion Jones, 18, was shot in the leg. Jones was approached by two men on the 400 block of Harrison Avenue.

Police said Hilton has been charged with being a principal in that incident, but would not say if the two shootings were related.

Kasey, who was charged with Thursday night's shooting, was charged in 1987 with malicious wounding and use of a firearm for shooting a classmate. Kasey, then a ninth-grader at James Madison Junior High School, served less than six months at Hanover reformatory.

Court records also state that Kasey once was charged with failing to appear in court, but did not specify details.

Kasey and Henderson were being held Friday in Roanoke City Jail Friday in lieu of a $100,000 bond.

 by CNB