Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 20, 1991                   TAG: 9103200052
DATELINE: CHRISTIANSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


Construction on the new Leonard E. McCoy Veterans of Foreign War Post 5311 in Christiansburg is finished, and members are eager to have the public use the facility - especially because it will help them pay off the construction debt.

"This far exceeds our needs," said World War II veteran David Kahle of the 8,000-square-foot building on High Street. "We're looking for the support of the community and veterans to help us pay off the debt and acquire operating costs."

Post members say the two-story building was developed with a lot of floor space for community purposes, such as receptions, bingo games, meetings and family gatherings.

"This post is not for private use. It's not just limited to veterans," said retired Lt. Cmdr. William R.L. Craft Jr., Christiansburg's town attorney, who served in the Korean War.

The upstairs of the post is handicap-accessible, and there are several large open areas. There is a full kitchen downstairs and plenty of women's and men's restrooms on both floors. The floor downstairs is tiled while the upstairs is carpeted. There is also heating and air conditioning.

And a projector and screen were recently donated to the VFW post that will be installed and available for the public's use for sporting events or to show historical war films to children.

Members said the total cost to build the post was roughly $200,000. The VFW owes approximately $100,000 on that debt. And despite large membership numbers - the Ladies Auxiliary has almost 100 members and the VFW has almost 200 members - they can't pay the entire amount by themselves.

The new post replaces an old house the organization used for years, which was bought by the veterans in 1946 and which stood on the same spot. Members are hoping this new facility will meet the community's varied needs, but that it will also be a place that younger veterans - such as those from Vietnam and those currently serving in the Persian Gulf - will want to be a part of.

"Most of the members served in World War II," said Korean War veteran Wayne Brockenbrough, who served on the building committee. "But we're really trying to get the younger veterans involved and raise awareness that we're here for them. So far, we are picking up some Vietnam vets, and we hope to see the numbers grow."

Post Commander Marshall Moore, himself a Vietnam veteran, said that comrades serving in the Persian Gulf are welcome to join the post when they return home. Recently, post members voted to waive dues for a year for those new members.

And as of Jan. 16, when Operation Desert Storm began, any man or woman serving in the Mideast automatically became a VFW member pending an application.

The new post will be officially dedicated April 14 at 1:30 p.m. An open house also is planned.

For information, write the post at P.O. Box 282, Christiansburg, Va. 24073.

 by CNB