Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 22, 1991                   TAG: 9103220202
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: A-11   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: WASHINGTON                                LENGTH: Short


The chairman of AT&T said Thursday it would be "in everyone's best interest" for his company to reach a merger agreement with NCR Corp. before a scheduled meeting of NCR stockholders Thursday.

Robert Allen said he was "still ready to negotiate all aspects" of AT&T's proposed purchase of NCR, including the $6.1 billion offering price. However, he said, he "will not go beyond financial limits that are in the best interests of AT&T shareholders."

NCR has flatly rejected the offer from American Telephone & Telegraph.

Allen spoke before a closed session of the Council of Institutional Investors, a group of 60 union and pension fund investment managers. NCR Chairman Charles Exley Jr. addressed the group after Allen.

AT&T provided excerpts of Allen's speech, but a spokesman for NCR in Dayton, Ohio, where that company is based, said he did not know the content of Exley's remarks. However, the spokesman, Mark Feighery, said NCR's board of directors and management would "continue to act in the best interests of NCR shareholders."

AT&T, the nation's largest long-distance company, launched a hostile $90-a-share takeover bid for NCR after it was rebuffed last December by the computer company's board of directors. NCR called the AT&T offer "grossly inadequate and unfair to NCR's shareholders."

 by CNB