Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 27, 1991                   TAG: 9103270090
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: A-3   EDITION: METRO  
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Goggin Taverns Inc., the Roanoke County owner of Charley's restaurants at Christiansburg and Greensboro, N.C., has filed for reorganization in Bankruptcy Court in Roanoke. The restaurants continue in operation while the company arranges a plan to pay creditors.

Lee Miller and William Armstrong are listed in court papers as the owners of the two Goggin restaurants. The company reported debt of $81,615 and assets of $162,702.

Two other Charley's restaurants, on Electric Road in Roanoke County and in the City Market area of downtown Roanoke, were not mentioned in the court papers. They are in a separate company but there is overlapping ownership. The address for Goggin Taverns is the same as the Charley's on Electric Road.

In other business bankruptcy petitions filed recently:

Nelson B. and Jane H. Reynolds, doing business as Rainbow International Carpet Dyeing & Cleaning Co., Roanoke County, asked for liquidation, listing debt of $214,839 and assets of $143,290.

H&W Welding Co. Inc., Rocky Mount, filed for reorganization; its largest creditors listed debt of about $124,000.

Donald D. and Michelle S. Wright, doing business as Sandy Land Mulch Co., Washington County, filed for reorganization with the largest creditors claiming debts of about $32,000. - Staff report


Published correction ran on March 28, 1991.

The Rainbow International Carpet Dyeing & Cleaning Co. that is the subject of a liquidation petition filed in Bankruptcy Court in Roanoke was formerly operated in Austin, Texas by owners who currently live in Roanoke County. A report in Wednesday's edition inaccurately said the company is in Roanoke County. Also, the petition does not involve a Salem company with a similar name.


by CNB