Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, March 30, 1991                   TAG: 9103300415
SECTION: SPECTATOR                    PAGE: S-19   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Los Angeles Daily News
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Which is the most fun: two little chuckles or one big belly laugh?

HBO and MTV are hoping cable viewers pick the latter on April Fool's Day when the comedy channels owned by the parent companies of these two networks become one basic cable service.

The Comedy Channel (a sister station to HBO) and Ha! the TV Comedy Network (MTV's funny sibling) join forces Monday to create a new network - CTV: The Comedy Network. The two individual channels cease to exist on their own after Sunday.

CTV will offer a programming mix ranging from old sitcoms and movies to original stand-up showcases and sketch comedies. Classics such as "The Jack Benny Show," "Candid Camera," "That Girl" and "Monty Python's Flying Circus" join newer shows formerly presented by Ha! and the Comedy Channel, such as "Random Acts of Variety" and "One Night Stand."

The Comedy Channel had its premiere in November 1989, and Ha! followed in April 1990. The channels were in direct competition, and many cable systems with a limited number of available channels could not carry both.

"This is not only a very positive move for both companies but should have a salutary effect on the cable industry as a whole," said Michael Fuchs, chairman of HBO.

Tom Freston, chairman of MTV Networks, added, "By joining together, we will be able to concentrate our efforts on the same goal - building one comedy network with unique, strong and creative appeal."

Program listings for The Comedy Channel are scheduled to begin Monday in the Extra section and next Saturday in Spectator.

 by CNB