Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, March 31, 1991                   TAG: 9103310117
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: WASHINGTON                                LENGTH: Medium


Former world champion boxer Sugar Ray Leonard acknowledged Saturday that he used cocaine and alcohol during the early 1980s after an eye injury appeared to end his boxing career.

Leonard, 34, who has appeared in nationally broadcast antidrug public service announcements, said he indulged in cocaine for three years, quitting in early 1986. "It was wrong, it was childish, it was stupid," he said at a news conference.

"I stand here ashamed, hurt," Leonard said. "I think about my parents, my ex-wife, my kids, people that care for me, my fans that made me . . . what I am."

Leonard's confession came after a published report that Juanita Leonard, his wife of 10 years, had accused him during divorce proceedings last summer of physically abusing her while under the influence of alcohol.

The Los Angeles Times, in excerpts from Maryland court records, quoted her Saturday as saying that Leonard also was an occasional user of cocaine.

emotional for me, so please bear with me."

He said reading the article "killed me this morning." His private life, he said, "has never been exposed or disclosed. . . . This article indicates the reason why."

The former welterweight and middleweight champion said he began using cocaine after suffering a detached retina in training in 1982 and retired when doctors warned he would lose sight in the eye if he fought again.

"I wanted more," Leonard said. "I wanted that arena. I didn't want anyone to tell me my career had to end.

"Maybe what I should have done was thank God for my blessings. [Instead] I decided to search for a substitute. . . . I resorted to drugs and alcohol."

He evaded questions on how often he used cocaine but said he was not an addict and never needed treatment. He called himself a "recreational user."

"I used it when I felt bad, I used it when I missed not competing at that level," Leonard said. "It was a crutch, something that enabled me to forget."

Leonard denied ever using drugs while training for a fight and said he turned down requests to make antidrug public service announcements while he was taking cocaine because "I don't lie about myself."

In 1989, Leonard and rival Tommy Hearns appeared together in nationally televised antidrug public service announcements and made several appearances before school children, urging them to stay off drugs.

Leonard said he quit drugs in early 1986 when he woke up one day and "what I saw in the mirror was scary."

Leonard came back from retirement to beat Kevin Howard in 1984, but shortly afterward announced his retirement from boxing again. In April 1987, he made another comeback, winning the middleweight title from Marvelous Marvin Hagler.

He retired again last Feb. 10, immediately after losing a decision to Terry Norris at New York's Madison Square Garden. He finished with a career record of 36-2-1.

Leonard said he was more worried about the effect of his announcement on his two children than what it might do to his future income from endorsements and commercials.

"I can never ever erase the pain or the scars I have made through my stupidity, my selfishness," he said. "All I can do is say I'm sorry, but that is not enough."

"Here's a young man that had everything in the world from money to fame, glory, a beautiful family and kids," he said of himself. "Why would he do that? It's almost inconceivable."

The published report of Leonard's divorce proceedings quoted his former wife as saying Leonard would come home intoxicated and "throw me around. He at one point would harass me physically and mentally in front of the children."

Leonard said "I'd be lying" to deny he and his wife had ever fought. But he said "that was in our house, between us. Unfortunately, during the proceedings, which are very emotional and very painful, certain things are taken out of context or exaggerated."

Leonard said he hid his cocaine use from his brother, a recovered addict, because "I didn't want him to look down on me."

He said his message to his fans and to kids was "that's not the right road to take. Thank God I'm matured and became productive again and I'm happy again."


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