Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, January 4, 1992                   TAG: 9201040199
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B2   EDITION: STATE 
SOURCE: Staff report
DATELINE: LEXINGTON                                LENGTH: Short


Washington and Lee shot a season-high 57 percent and ended a six-game losing streak in a 77-67 victory over Bowdoin on Friday night in the first round of the Washington and Lee Invitational men's basketball tournament.

The Generals (2-6) advance to the championship game today at 4 against Colorado College, which defeated Gettysburg 82-68 in the other semifinal.

Brian Watkins hit four 3-pointers and scored a career-high 25 points, and Robert Miggins added 14 points with 13 rebounds for Washington and Lee, which took the lead for good with 12:20 remaining in the first half. The Generals led 39-32 at halftime.

Washington and Lee began the second half with a 12-2 run for a commanding 51-36 lead with 14 minutes to play.

Bowdoin (2-3), held to a season low in points after averaging nearly 94 per game, never got closer than six points in the closing minutes.

Washington and Lee made 25 of 44 shots, including 13 of 21 in the second half. The Generals also connected on nine of 15 3-point shots.

The Polar Bears were cold from the field, hitting 42 percent (25-for-59) of their shots, including three of 17 3-point attempts.

Dennis Jacobi led Bowdoin with 16 points, and Eric Bell had 15.

\ see microfilm for box score

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB