Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, January 5, 1992                   TAG: 9201050084
DATELINE: RICHMOND                                LENGTH: Medium


Where do you look for a billion dollars in the midst of the state's worst recession since World War II?

That's the task facing Gov. Douglas Wilder and state lawmakers as they enter what shapes up as a highly contentious state budget session. To keep the state afloat will take $1 billion to $1.5 billion in spending cuts or new taxes, state officials say.

Among the possibilities being discussed:

Raise "sin" taxes on tobacco and liquor, expand the state sales tax to cover more items, and levy hospitals to help pay the state's ballooning Medicaid bill.

Cut state services and lay off hundreds, maybe thousands, of state employees.

Eliminate a wide range of state aid to local governments, such as money to shrink school class sizes.

Force tuition higher at the state's colleges and universities, which already are among the most expensive state colleges in the nation.

At the same time, lawmakers and administration officials are quietly working on plans for a massive bond issue to finance public works projects, which they say would help resuscitate Virginia's moribund construction industry.

The borrowing, which legislators say could range from $500 million to more than $1 billion, would have to be approved by voters this fall. In 1990, voters refused to give the state more freedom to borrow. MAKING YOUR VOICE HEARD:

Sen. Hunter B. Andrews, D-Hampton, is chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and likely sponsor of any bond-issue legislation. Address: Room 613 General Assembly Building, Richmond, 23219. Phone (804) 786-6593.

Sen. Stanley C. Walker, D-Norfolk, is chairman of committees examining public school aid and medical care for the poor. Address: 626 General Assembly Building. Phone (804) 786-7280.

Sen. Walter Stosch, R-Henrico, is an accountant and a longtime GOP spokesman on tax matters. Address: P.O. Box 406, Richmond, 23203. Phone: (804) 786-8071.

Del. Robert D. Bloxom, R-Accomack, serves on the House Appropriations Committee. Address: 719 General Assembly Building. Phone (804) 786-6596.

The Virginia Municipal League lobbies for city governments on tax, budget and other concerns. Address: P.O. Box 12164, Richmond 23241. Phone (804) 649-8471.

The Virginia Association of Counties lobbies for county governments on tax, budget and other concerns. Address: 1001 E. Broad St., Richmond, 23219. Phone (804) 788-6652.

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB