Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, January 6, 1992                   TAG: 9201060209
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


"VIRGINIA'S killing fields" (Dec. 18 commentary) was a well-written, intelligent piece. Perhaps the writer is correct; perhaps hunting should be banned throughout the state. Within two years, everyone would be able to see the beautiful whitetail deer in the forests, the fields, the farmlands, our back yards, everywhere!

Without the controlled harvest of game animals (especially deer), we would be able to enjoy seeing an abundance of deer both in the city and in the county. The deer would be on our highways and roads also.

The same sight may be seen in Pennsylvania; unfortunately, there is hunting there also. However, there are deer everywhere! There are even pieces of deer scattered around on the highways so everyone will be able to see them!

There are even sections of highway in Pennsylvania painted with the blood of deer so we will all know how many beautiful deer there are everywhere. I only wish the cars that hit the deer would be moved away sooner. (It spoils the view of the deer on the sides of the road, you know.) How nice it would be to see the same sights here in our own state.

By banning hunting, so much needless killing of innocent animals would be avoided! And as for those people who so cruelly smash their vehicles into those lovely deer: They should be fined. Those farmers who complain about crop losses should do the sensible thing and sell their farms and move to the city. Think how much more room there would be for deer to roam around!

Of course, deer would be controlled by the placing of birth-control-laced apples spread around the state. At the same time, our federal government should implement a mandatory birth-control program for the most destructive of all Earth's species: humans! With fewer humans, there would be more room for deer and less senseless killing.

All of this makes a lot of sense to me; doesn't it make sense to all of the rest of you intelligent humans out there? DAVID L. SMITH SALEM

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB