Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, January 9, 1992                   TAG: 9201100408
DATELINE: NEW CASTLE                                LENGTH: Medium


Worn out car tires have been banished from Craig County's landfill.

They may be allowed again in the near future, but a fee may be charged to dump them.

For the moment, however, the Craig County Board of Supervisors has banned tires from the landfill "until further notice."

Richard Flora, county administrator, said this week that people have been bringing tires from places other than Craig to avoid dumping fees charged by most other surrounding localities' landfills.

Craig does not charge a fee on tires, but Flora said waste disposal officials in the county are thinking of a fee of perhaps $1.50 per tire. Some surrounding localities charge $2 per tire, he said.

At the moment, Flora said, there are about 3,000 worn-out tires piled at Craig's landfill awaiting some disposal other than burial. Tires are difficult to bury in landfills because they take a long time to decay and often tend to float to the surface.

Craig must close its landfill by the end of 1993 because of strict new state regulations on landfill operation. Flora said it would be cheaper for the county to contract with a nearby regional landfill than to operate its own under the stringent new regulations.

The issue of tires in the landfill came up when the supervisors reappointed members of the county's Solid Waste Authority.

All of the authority's members' terms expired at the end of 1991. In order to keep all terms from expiring at the same time, the supervisors staggered the terms of three citizen members.

Paul Paradzinski was reappointed to a three-year term. Both Robert Givens and Patty Shires were reappointed, but Givens' term was reduced to two years and Shires' to one. The three supervisors also reappointed themselves to the authority for four-year terms.

Also a member of the authority was Donald Caldwell, who was appointed by New Castle Town Council. His term also expired at the end of 1991.

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB