by Archana Subramaniam by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, January 16, 1992 TAG: 9201160072 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: C7 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Associated Press DATELINE: NEWARK, N.J. LENGTH: Medium
Customers who want to rent a large car from Alamo Rent-A-Car Inc. in Newark; Norfolk, Va.; and eight other cities will have their driving records checked before the car is released, the company said Wednesday.The "local area renter policy" also affects Philadelphia; Boston; Hartford, Conn.; Houston; Washington National Airport; Birmingham, Ala.; Memphis; and Milwaukee, Alamo said in a statement.
Local renters in these cities must complete a $10 "safe driver application" to rent full-size or luxury models. The application authorizes Alamo to review their driving records.
Under terms of the policy, local renters may rent subcompact, compact and midsize vehicles without prequalification, the Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based company said.
The renter will be authorized to rent larger cars locally should the state motor vehicle agency confirm that the renter has not been convicted of a moving traffic violation within the past two years.
If applicants are cleared, they will be issued an identification card permitting them to rent these vehicles.
The policy does not apply to customers who have airline tickets to the affected cities. It also does not apply to residents of the cities applying to rent cars elsewhere.
Alamo introduced the new policy to stem losses it has experienced from some local renters. Total losses in the 10 cities were three to four times the losses in other places, the company said.
Earlier this month, the Hertz Corp., based in Park Ridge, N.J., imposed surcharges of up to $56 a day in some of New York City's boroughs. Hertz said the surcharges were needed because of a New York state law that makes car rental firms liable for damages in accidents no matter who is driving.