by Archana Subramaniam by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, January 17, 1992 TAG: 9201170022 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: B3 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
WHITE, BERTHA L.Bertha Lois White, of McDowell Ave., N.W., passed away on Wednesday. She was a graduate of Virginia State University and was retired from the Roanoke City School System after more than 43 years of service. During those years she was the physical education and Health teacher, coached basketball, track, softball, volleyball, girls tennis and sponsor of cheerleaders and the SPA. For eight summers she was park leader for the Roanoke City Recreation Department, supervising at Washington Park and First Baptist Church. She spent two summers supervising recreation and cooking for Hanover County School of Correction for Girls. She was a Brownie Troop Leader for Girl Scouts; a member of the YWCA, where she was a Y-Teen Advisor and on the membership committee and board member. Her membership at First Baptist Church played a vital part in her life and there she served as a member of the Missionary Circle, taught in Vacation Bible School, sang in the choir and played the violin with the Sunday School Orchestra. She was past-vice president of Zeta Phi Beta sorority; member of the Eastern Star; past comandress, past recordress of the Daughter of Isis; past president Pinochle Bugs; past president and parliamentarian of the Victorians; past president and secretary of the Friendly Club. She was also past president of the Coffee Club; past president and past secretary of the Neighborhood Club; member of the Leisure Luncheon Club, Women's Democratic Club and the N.A.A.C.P. She received many honors and awards including plaques for SPA Service, Basketball Coach of the Year 1971; Zeta of the Year 1970; honoree on Y.W.C.A. 75th anniversary; crowned "Queen" of Egyptian Tea of Aladdin Court No. 34, 1989. She received an award for `'Community Leaders" and "Noteworthy American", 1976-1977; was one of three charter member of Aladdin Court No. 34, Daughter of Isis honored at their awards banquet. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Louvenia Cunningham and Mrs. Lucy Ellis; one brother, Woody White; sister-in-law, Ruth White, all of Roanoke; nieces, Marie Brown, Washington, D.C.; Andrea Trent, Roanoke; Carmen Patterson and Almeda Jones; several great-nieces, one of whom lived with her. Tara Brown; nephews, John Ellis, Alexandria; James Dent, Roanoke; Donnell White; Ronnie White, Germany; a host of great-nephews; other relatives and many friends. Funeral services will be held Saturday 2:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church with Dr. K.B. Wright officiating. Burial in William Memorial Park. The family will receive friends on Friday from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Hamlar-Curtis Chapel. The family will meet at the home of Mrs. Louvenia Cunningham, 415 McDowell Ave., N.W. Hamlar-Curtis, Morticians.