Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, February 2, 1992                   TAG: 9202020195
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C6   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From Associated Press reports
DATELINE: NORFOLK                                LENGTH: Short


Old Dominion and William and Mary set an NCAA record Saturday night by combining for 40 points in overtime, but Donald Grant scored 10 in the extra period to lead the Monarchs to a 102-92 Colonial Athletic Association basketball victory.

The teams broke the record of 39 points set Jan. 4, 1991, by Mississippi State and Louisiana State.

Grant had six points and Ricardo Leonard five as Old Dominion (7-10 overall, 3-4 CAA) scored the first 12 points in the overtime.

William and Mary (8-11, 2-5) got no closer than five, and Old Dominion took its largest lead, 101-86, on a pair of free throws by Keith Jackson with 51 seconds left.

The Monarchs made five of six field-goal attempts in the extra period, compared with six of 12 for the Tribe.

Old Dominion made 12 of 13 free throws, including three when William and Mary coach Chuck Swenson was ejected at the 2:40 mark for running onto the floor to argue a charging call against the Tribe's Kurt Small. Leonard made three of the four technical free throws, giving ODU an 87-77 edge.

Leonard finished with 33 points, Grant had 22 and John Robinson added 21 - career highs for all three. Leonard made 17 of 20 free-throw attempts.

William and Mary shot 55 percent but had 21 turnovers.

Todd Cauthorn had 21 points for William and Mary and Ben Blocker added 20.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB