Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, February 2, 1992                   TAG: 9202020206
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Stop the jokes. Can the quips. Suddenly, the Roanoke Valley Rebels are dead serious.

The Rebels, who three weeks ago appeared set on taking an early vacation, proved Saturday night at the Vinton LancerLot that their East Coast Hockey League playoff obituary is far from being written.

Before a crowd of 2,701, in a game that smacked of postseason intensity, the Rebels proved they are far from done, whipping ECHL powerhouse Toledo 5-4 in overtime.

If there ever was anything capable of erasing a season of bad, this was it.

"This proves we're capable of beating anybody," Rebels defenseman Steve Chelios said. "The amount of confidence that a win like this - a win over a team that had lost only nine games all season - can build is phenomenal.

"If we can beat Toledo, who knows what can happen the rest of the way."

Observers never would have known these two clubs were at opposite ends of the ECHL standings. The Rebels (16-25-3) found lightning against the Storm (32-9-2).

Rebels forward Ron Jones delivered the bolt that lit up the LancerLot, knocking in a rebound of his own shot past Storm goalie Mike Williams to break a 4-4 tie at 1:22 of overtime.

"This is the biggest goal I've ever scored in this league," said Jones, in his third year in the ECHL. "We had to have it. We've just got to keep this ship sailing in the right direction."

The Rebels never looked like a team battling the Knoxville Cherokees for the sixth and final playoff spot in the ECHL's East Division.

"I can't see them missing the playoffs," said Toledo coach Chris McSorley. "I credit Roy Sommer for getting his team through some tough times.

"It looked like a team possessed. They beat us, too. Hey, it was no fluke."

There was a huge cast of heroes in the Rebels' biggest win of the season. None was any bigger than goaltender Mike James, a questionable starter because of a groin pull in Friday's victory over the Raleigh IceCaps.

"Just before the game, I still didn't know what was going to start, Jamesey or [Dan] Bouchard," Rebels coach Roy Sommer said. "I told them to flip a coin, see who feels the best, see who wanted to get their goals-against average boosted and to make up their own mind."

After pregame warmups, the goalies discussed the situation. It turned out James was the man.

"Danny and I were arguing at center ice about 30 seconds before the game about who was going to play," James said. "His knee was hurting. I was hurting. Finally, we decided it was me. Then, I remember telling him, `Hey, if I get bombed, you're coming in.' "

James' fears never were realized against the ECHL's most potent offense. He got the Rebels to overtime by making one big save after another.

"The guys in front gave me a load of help," said James, who stopped 33 of 37 shots, many of the point-blank variety. "The guys knew I was hurt and needed all the help I could get.

"This is sweet. You know what? I think this club proved to itself tonight that it can play."

Sommer, who was so happy after the game that he threatened to sing solo at a local watering hole later in the evening, called the win "easily the biggest of the season."

"Toledo has got a hell of a hockey club and we beat them," he said. "They have no weak lines, no weak anything.

"I know people have been hearing me say for a while that help was on the way. Well, we've got some guys together right now who want to get the job done."

Done. The Rebels aren't there yet.

"I think things are shaping up just the way a coach wants his team to shape up heading into the playoffs," Sommer said. "This bunch was due for something good to happen.

"Hopefully, this is just the start of a lot of good things happening."

\ ICE CHIPS: Forward Mark Woolf led the Rebels with two goals, his team-high 36th and 37th of the season. Forward Brett Stewart scored the game's first goal and assisted on Woolf's score-tying goal with 9:54 left in regulation.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB