Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 5, 1992                   TAG: 9202050415
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


John Hubbard, an assistant Roanoke County administrator for six years, will give up that job to become executive director of the new Roanoke Valley Resource Authority.

At its organizational meeting Tuesday, the resource authority hired Hubbard to oversee construction and operation of the new landfill at Smith Gap and the garbage transfer station that will be built in Roanoke. His annual salary will be $61,000.

Hubbard is one of the county's representatives on the resource authority, but he abstained from discussions of the executive director's job. He will be replaced on the resource authority.

County Finance Director Diane Hyatt, treasurer of the resource authority, said Hubbard was one of 40 applicants. Four were interviewed.

Hubbard, who will turn 40 this week, is a certified professional engineer. He majored in environmental engineering technology at Virginia Tech and has worked for the county since 1980. For three years before that he was director of engineering for the county's Public Service Authority.

RESOURCE AUTHORITY\ OTHER BUSINESS\ \ Officers named Chose Gardner Smith, the county's director of general services, as chairman. Kit Kiser, Roanoke's director of utilities and operations, was chosen vice chairman. Diane Hyatt, county finance director, was chosen treasurer and Mary Allen, clerk to the county Board of Supervisors, was chosen secretary.\ \ Contract awarded Awarded: Olver Inc., a Blacksburg engineering firm, a $460,000 contract to design and manage construction of the garbage transfer station.\ \ Rental decision: Decided to rent 513 square feet of office space at the Brambleton Corporate Center on Brambleton Avenue for about $4,900 a year. County offices are already there.\ \ Landfill negotiations Met in a closed executive session to get an update on negotiations with two other localities that might want to use the new landfill, Salem and Montgomery County.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB