by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, February 7, 1992 TAG: 9202070107 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: C3 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: JOHN SMALLWOOD SPORTSWRITER DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Southwest Virginia could be the training ground for another boxer looking to change his fortunes.On Thursday, The Kansas City (Mo.) Star reported that heavyweight Tommy "Duke" Morrison is planning to use VMI as a training base for future fights.
Morrison, who portrayed boxer Tommy Duke in the movie "Rocky V," is scheduled to fight Bobby Quarry on Feb. 16 at the Las Vegas Hilton, and then, according to what his co-manager John Brown told the Star, would like to come to VMI on Feb. 20 to begin training for a March 20 fight in Las Vegas.
"[Morrison] might be coming," said Gordon Calkins, director of physical education at VMI. "I'm still working on it. It's not a sure thing, because I don't have [VMI superintendent Maj. Gen. John Knapp's] approval yet. The process is moving, but that's the best I can say right now."
Morrison would join Bert Cooper and Oliver McCall as notable boxers who are training in Southwest Virginia.
A resident of Kansas City, Mo., Morrison's connection with VMI is his trainer, Tom Virgets. Virgets was a physical education instructor and assistant track coach at the school from 1978-84. Virgets also coached VMI's boxing club.
Entering the Quarry fight, Morrison is 28-1 with 24 knockouts. After a 28-0 start, Morrison was being touted as one of boxing's most promising heavyweights until he was pounded into unconsciousness by Ray Mercer in the fifth round of their Oct. 18 fight.
Morrison took three months off after that fight. Quarry (10-10-2) is not seen as much of a challenge for Morrison, but the March 20 opponent reportedly will be a tougher test. Brown said Morrison has had trouble focusing for big fights in the past, and the best way to rectify that is to get him out of Kansas City for several weeks before "any type of decent bout."
"They want to try a little different environment for this guy," said Calkins, who coaches VMI's boxing club. "[Virgets] wants him to train up here because of the discipline at the school and the fewer social outlets in Lexington."
If Morrison does end up at VMI, he would use the boxing training facilities located in Cox Hall, which include a regulation ring, weight room and an assortment of punching bags.