Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, February 9, 1992                   TAG: 9202060223
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Think warm. Think island. Think romantic.

Roanoke-area honeymooners definitely favor warm, sunny, wave-lapped places, according to local travel agents. And a variety of places, price and packages are available for almost any interest and budget.

One of the most popular destinations is Cancun, Mexico. Prices are good, says Bill Thomas, owner of Hopkins Travel, and packages are available for any length of stay, ranging from three to seven days. "They're not locked in," he said.

Another popular spot is the Sandals resorts in Jamaica, according to Barbara Phillips, an agent with Martin Travel. The cost is all-inclusive (food, drinks, lodging, air fare) and the resorts are couples-only.

Plus, she said, Sandals offers "pay at one, play at five," which means the honeymooners can sample the attractions of more than one resort.

Cruises are more and more popular, Thomas said, adding that they also are all-inclusive and ships cater to honeymooners. The one price, including air fare from Roanoke, is especially comforting to couples who have just spent a lot of money on their wedding, he said. Once aboard the ship, they don't have to worry about paying for anything else unless they want to shop.

But, Phillips notes, cruising is not for couples who don't want to be around other people on their honeymoon.

Hawaii continues to draw honeymoon couples, even though it is a more expensive destination. All-inclusive packages are available there, as are cruise-land packages. Until recently, Hawaiian cruises were not practical for East Coast honeymooners, Thomas said, because the ship departed at 10 p.m. Saturday and most couples get married on Saturday.

Cruise companies now offer packages where part of the time is spent on land and part on the ship. So Roanoke newlyweds can fly out on Sunday, spend three nights on land and finish up the week aboard the cruise ship.

Like Hawaii, Bermuda is a more expensive, yet still popular destination. Phillips also sends couples to Key West and Marco Island in Florida, or to the Virgin Islands, especially if they are interested in scuba diving.

Tropical honeymoons are popular year-round - even in the summer - Phillips said, but there are other favorite destinations. Some couples are starting to look westward, driving around Washington state and visiting San Francisco. And, though not very romantic, Orlando, Fla., (and all of its attractions) is popular.

Phillips said some couples see a Disney World honeymoon as an opportunity to visit a lot of places on one big trip.

For couples on a tight time and money budget, Thomas recommends a four-day Charleston-Kiawah Island, S.C., trip.

"They can drive there from here." he said, spend two nights in a Charleston bed and breakfast, then go on to Kiawah. "It's less time, less money and still romantic."

Less popular in Roanoke are cold-weather destinations, Europe (except the occasional Paris trip) and the fabled honeymoon resorts in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains. "I haven't sold a Poconos trip in five years," Thomas said.

As is the case with most other aspect of planning the wedding, the honeymoon should be planned as early as possible.

"Certain destinations should be booked a year in advance," Phillips said. Couples who wait until the last minute face higher prices and the possibility of not getting their first choice. Exceptions to that, she said, are the cruises, which routinely offer last-minute specials to fill the ships, and Cancun, Mexico.

"There are always specials in Cancun," Phillips said.

"As soon as they set the date, they should come talk to us," Thomas said. Six to nine months ahead is not to early too ensure that they "get what they want and the best deal."

He also recommends that both the bride and the groom plan the trip together and discuss up front their budget limits. That way, the travel agent can help them plan based upon their interests as well as their budget.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB