Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, February 10, 1992                   TAG: 9202100007
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: INDIANAPOLIS                                LENGTH: Medium


Prosecutors in Mike Tyson's rape trial brought in Miss Black America and other witnesses Sunday to rebut a defense claim that the boxer's accuser lusted after his body and his money.

Sharmell Sullivan, who won the Miss Black America pageant in which Tyson's accuser competed, testified that she was near the 18-year-old woman but never heard her admire Tyson's physique, as another contestant has claimed.

Tanya St. Clair, testifying Saturday on Tyson's behalf, quoted the woman as "talking about his butt, saying, `Ooooh, it's really something to hold onto,' " and speculating about the size of the fighter's genitalia.

Sullivan said, "I would definitely recollect a statement of that nature because it's very blunt, and I'm not used to hearing things of that nature at a beauty pageant."

Prosecutor Greg Garrison ended the state's rebuttal by playing a tape of grand jury testimony by Tyson that contradicted the fighter's claim in court that he made a sexually explicit proposition to the woman.

Garrison said closing statements were expected Monday.

The defense called 24 witnesses over 4 1/2 days before concluding its case Sunday. Tyson, 25, a former world heavyweight champion, testified for 2 1/2 hours on Friday and Saturday.

He is charged with rape and criminal deviate conduct.

Tyson testified Friday that he bluntly informed the woman, using a common vulgarity, that he wanted to have sex with her after they met at a July 18 pageant rehearsal. He said she responded, "Sure! Give me a call."

During cross-examination Saturday, Garrison asked Tyson why he didn't tell the same story to the grand jury that indicted him. Tyson said he was uncomfortable with the explicit language and was cut off by the deputy prosecutor who questioned him before the grand jury.

Eleven contestants testified for the defense. Many described his foul mouth and demeanor as the defense attempted to show Tyson made plain his sexual interest in the contestants.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB