Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, February 16, 1992                   TAG: 9202140412
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                LENGTH: Short


Judith Michele Taylor and Carl Everett Johnson were united in marriage February 15, 1992, at the Blacksburg Baptist Church. Dr. Raymond F. Allen officiated at the double ring ceremony. The reception was held at the Custom Catering Center. The matron of honor was Natalie Clevinger, of Richmond. Bridesmaids were Christina Johnson and Theresa Johnson, sisters of the groom; Lisa Baucom, Jacqueline Ecker, Diane Grinnel, and Gayle Sarman. The flower girl was Caitlyn Rancourt. The best man was Dennis Argerson, of Washington, D.C. Groomsmen were Marc Taylor, brother of the bride; Swen Johnson, brother of the groom; Robert Bastek, William Giovanniello, Kevin Hennessy, Terry Malick, and Alexander Pugliese. The ringbearer was Joshua Rancourt. The guestbook was attended by Susan Lawrence. The bride's gown was made of ivory satin adorned with beaded and sequined alencon lace, and she carried a cascading bouquet of mums, roses and ivy. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Taylor, of Blacksburg. She is a graduate of Blacksburg High School and the College of William and Mary, and is employed by Central Fidelity Bank. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson, of Matawan, New Jersey. He is a graduate of Holmdel High School and James Madison University. He is employed by Virginia Ventures Corporation. The newlyweds will live in Richmond after a wedding trip to St. Lucia.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB