Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, February 16, 1992                   TAG: 9202170220
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


I FEEL no remorse for the American people who skated their way to Easy Street. Just for the record, I am an African-American. Here is the problem:

For years Americans have been ripping off their own, and Americans have had the same opportunity to produce quality merchandise as Mr. Japan has. But, oh no, Americans instead put out non-quality products which they expect their people to buy so the high-rise executives can drive to the banks in Mercedes, BMWs and Jaguars - and people get upset.

For the second time (the first was on Dec. 7, 1941), the American giant was caught sleeping. Once America woke the hell up, they dropped the bomb - a sign of upgraded technology. Now, they're caught sleeping again and want to blame Japan.

The way I see it, Japan must be doing something right. I don't see any Japanese holding a gun to the American people's heads and demanding they purchase their products. The Japanese got smart and gave the American people quality at a good price. Before blaming Japan, better look in the mirror. That is where the problem started.

I'm pleased that Jerry A. Jeffries' son graduated from Virginia Military Institute (letter, Feb. 2), but so what? Education isn't measured by the highest grade or the fanciest college; it's measured by how well you think and communicate, and it seems Japan is doing the better of both. If we base intelligence on Jeffries' theory, then why is America such a wreck with all the Ivy League leaders such as Bush?

By the way, I am graduating from Virginia Tech. RICHARD TAYLOR ROANOKE

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB