by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: TUESDAY, February 25, 1992 TAG: 9202250236 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: A-1 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Associated Press DATELINE: RICHMOND LENGTH: Short
The state Lottery Board adopted an emergency regulation Monday to discourage players from buying large blocks of tickets, as happened when a recent jackpot hit $27 million.The move came amid reports that the jackpot winner may be an Australian syndicate that bought the bulk of the lottery number combinations.
Kenneth Thorson, the state's lottery director, said another such block-buying spree would cripple the state's Lotto game because regular players would think they had no chance to win.
The Lottery Board regulation orders retailers to give preference to customers waiting in line to buy the $1 tickets over customers who have left large ticket orders.
The panel agreed to hold a meeting within two weeks to consider more far-reaching regulations, including limits on the number of tickets a player may buy.