Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 26, 1992                   TAG: 9202260271
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 9   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Some luxury-loving car thieves took the wheels of fortune for a spin early Tuesday when they went joyriding through lower Manhattan in The Donald's black stretch limousine.

"No one is immune in New York, or anywhere else for that matter," Donald Trump said. "I guess they took it for a joyride."

Trump's chauffeur, Barry Mitchell, briefly left the keys in the Cadillac outside a Greenwich Village restaurant at 1 a.m. to pick up Trump and Marla Maples, said Trump spokeswoman Norma Foerderer.

"The chauffeur turned his back and the car was gone," Trump said. The real estate developer and his girlfriend managed to hitch a ride home with their dining companion, singer John Denver.

The car - radio intact - was found abandoned at about 2 a.m., in the Little Italy section.

"Nothing was stolen, it was just amazing," Trump said. "It really is astonishing. I had an honest thief."

\ Arnold Schwarzenegger scoffed Tuesday at a magazine article that portrays the muscleman actor as a media manipulator.

"It was wonderful fantasy writing," the "Terminator" star said of the story in the March issue of Spy. "I can't wait until the movie."

During a visit to a Phoenix, Ariz., elementary school, Schwarzenegger declined to discuss with reporters an unauthorized nude photo of him that appears with the story.

Spy publisher Kurt Anderson said the photo was submitted unsolicited as the magazine prepared its story on Schwarzenegger's publicity machine.

The actor had nothing but praise for the mainstream media's coverage of him.

"The press has helped when I was a bodybuilder, and in my movies," he said. "Now I hope they will help me in my endeavor to promote physical fitness."

\ La Toya Jackson said Tuesday that she's going to learn French, but it may take awhile.

"It's going to be difficult, but I'll learn it little by little," she said.

She was presented as the main attraction of the 1992-93 season at Moulin Rouge, the best-known cabaret in Paris. The first show is March 5.

Jackson, one of star Michael Jackson's sisters, will live in Paris for a year.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB