Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 26, 1992                   TAG: 9202260313
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A vice president of an environmental company and a partner of a construction company became the two latest applicants for the Roanoke School Board on Tuesday.

They are James William Stephens, 48, executive vice president of Lane Environmental Systems Corp.; and John Randolph Light, 44, a partner in Roanoke Construction Specialties Inc.

Light, a Roanoke native and former student of Roanoke schools, has bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Virginia. He is a member of the School Board's Long Range Planning Committee and the PTA.

"A methodical, analytical and businesslike approach is the most effective way to arrive at School Board decisions," Light said in his application.

An extended school year, greater accountability and a "long-term view on education issues" are among Light's ideas. He said education is the best chance children have to get out of "economic and social dire straits."

Stephens, also a Roanoke native, has attended Roanoke schools, Clemson University and Roanoke College. He spent more than 16 years as a sports official in Roanoke - in football, baseball, track and wrestling.

"Many years in the field of sports as a player and official have taught me the need for cooperation between the board, teachers, employees and pupils when working toward a common goal," Stephens said. "I would like to be a member of this most important team."

Two seats on the seven-member board will be open this summer. One is being vacated by longtime board member Sallye Coleman, who announced this month that she would not seek reappointment. He has said he will seek another three-year term.

That means the School Board will get at least one new member on July 1.

The other seat belongs to Tom Orr, whose term ends June 30.

The Rev. Nelson Harris, 27, pastor of Ridgewood Baptist Church, was first to apply. Applications will be accepted at the City Clerk's office through March 10.

by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB