Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 6, 1992                   TAG: 9203060081
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B8   EDITION: STATE 
DATELINE: DALEVILLE                                LENGTH: Medium


Covington wanted to play man-to-man defense Wednesday night. The Cougars are quick enough to do it.

But playing man-to-man was getting the Cougars toasted. So coach Brad Morton switched to a 1-3-1 zone in the second half.

The change stifled George Wythe's attack and ignited Covington's.

The Cougars erased an 11-point fourth-quarter deficit and rallied to 67-58 victory in the Region C boys' basketball tournament at Lord Botetourt High School.

Covington (18-3) reached tonight's against Floyd County by outscoring George Wythe 32-12 in the fourth quarter.

"The change of defense, going to the 1-3-1 was the difference," said Morton. "We probably stayed with the man-to-man too long. But we should be able to play it."

Covington trailed 46-35 after three quarters but opened the fourth with a flurry.

Sophomore guard Van Wallace, who scored 26 points, got the Cougars rolling by following up his own missed shot. Then after Jeff Bourge scored for George Wythe, Wallace slid down the baseline, scored a layup and was fouled.

Wallace's three-point play cut the lead to 48-40. Keeno Jones made a 3-pointer and followed with a transition layup.

When Tony Jeter converted a three-point play, Covington had outscored the Maroons 13-2 to tie the score at 48 less than two minutes into the quarter.

George Wythe moved back ahead 54-49, but the Cougars had momentum.

Wallace scored a follow basket, Everett Hughes made a free throw and Jones gave the Cougars their first lead of the game by making a 3-pointer.

The Maroons took back the lead and were up 58-57 with 1:31 left, but Covington scored the final 10 points.

After playing so well for three quarters, George Wythe did little right in the fourth.

"It seemed like we couldn't get anything to fall," said George Wythe coach Al Copenhaver. "Covington played that 1-3-1 awful well, and we made some mistakes."

The first half was all George Wythe. Sie Dickinson scored 14 of his 22 points and the Maroons made 14 of 24 shots to lead 29-18 at halftime.

The Maroons led by 15 points in the second quarter, but Covington scored the last two baskets of the half.

"We got those two quick baskets at the end, which at least got us to 11," said Morton. "They about had us buried in the second quarter. I was really worried."

Jeter scored 14 of his 16 points in the second half. Chris Waddell added 16 points for George Wythe. \

see microfilm for box score

 by CNB