Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, March 8, 1992                   TAG: 9203070002
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: D-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short



Mrs. Carrie Terry Frogg of 2750 Kirkland Avenue, N.W. died Friday. She is survived by her husband, John Q. Frogg; two daughters, Mrs. Elaine Frogg Adams and husband, Paul B. Adams of Roanoke; Mrs. Carole Frogg Long and husband, George D. Long of Richmond; a son, Alvin Russell Frogg of Woodbridge; one grandson, George D. Long, Jr. of Richmond; two sisters, Mrs. Grace T. Briggs of Copper Hill; Mrs. Mary Sue Jackson and husband, Howard N. Jackson of Roanoke; sisters-in-law, Katherine F. Gregory and husband, Edward Gregory; Mrs. Virginia F. Crawford and husband, James Crawford; Miss Elsie E. Frogg; Mrs. Eula B. Terry; and Mrs. Hazel C. Terry, all of Roanoke; nieces, Ms. Yvonne L. Jackson, Ms. Darlene Terry Smith, Mrs. Dolores Wilson, Mrs. Bertha Lawson; nephews, Alfred M. Twine, Larry D. Twine, Sidney C. Jackson, Michael Terry, and Ronald A. Jackson; other relatives and friends. Arrangements by Hamlar-Curtis Funeral Home.

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