Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, March 13, 1992 TAG: 9203130525 SECTION: EDITORIAL PAGE: A-10 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Oh well, what's new! You seem always to be sweet on the Democrats.
The Democratic mass meeting was announced on Feb. 14, eight days away, in front-page format with color photographs. There followed a day-by-day countdown. During these eight days appeared 17 articles about Democratic candidates, with 22 photographs.
During the same period were published only two stories on Republican candidates, as Beverly Lambert and "Mac" McCadden announced entry to the race.
A sterling example of reporting bias occurred on the day prior to each party's mass meeting. With the Democrats' article came boldface headlines, the time and place of the meeting, a map to assist in locating William Fleming High School, directions to the auditorium - even to the doorway to enter.
The Republicans' article, while on the front page, did not advise where or when the mass meeting would take place. Again Democratic bias showed in this article of 25 paragraphs, six devoted to Republicans and 19 to Democrats. Even the photograph of Democrat Bowers was far bigger than the one of Republican Anderson.
I assume you felt the Republicans had enough sense to find their meeting place without a map.
Come on, fellows, let's be fair in your reporting from now on. ROBERT VENABLE ROANOKE
Editor's note: When the series on mass meetings began, there were two Democratic candidates for mayor, six for three City Council seats. The GOP had three candidates for council; its mayoral candidate was announced at the GOP meeting. If Republicans had had contests for their party nominations, a graphic would have run with those stories.